Saturday, January 31, 2009

Long Time No Post

Ok, so I feel I would be misleading you if I didn't tell you right off this is Serenity. But... I just wanted to update you all on what's going on with the Allens. I haven't esactly talked to them for a couple days, but since they haven't really posted for over a month, and I really don't see one coming any time soon (I need to show my mom how to do this... about 20 times) I feel like any info I give will be an "update".

So first off Derek is home! (ok you probably knew that). But did you know he's already had his first date? Since I never asked permission to post that info (although I'm sure you could have guessed) You'll have to ask him for the details...

So, the weekend of Derek's welcome home (I think you all know what I mean if I use that term) Hannah got a pretty bad case of the flu...

(That was an old picture but I found it fitting) That's right, all weekend. The whole time family and friends were gathering Hannah was confined upstairs to the bedroom :( It gets worse. They had postponed a trip to Wyoming because she was sick, but when it finally looked like she was on the mend (about day five of the flu) they headed out . Half way across the state they stopped at a gas station where (not too sure of the details here but...) Hannah fainted. Luckily there was a nurse there (not so much luck, I guess, as a blessing). She recommended Hannah be seen by a doctor. So they turned around and drove all the way back to Primary Children's. They immediately put an IV in her to rehydrate her. After that Hannah was completely better! You wouldn't even have guessed she was sick...

Some more old news... Dan and Nicole are engaged! He popped the "big Q" on Christmas Eve (this pic was taken the day before)...

They'll be getting married in May and I am pretty stoked about it. For those who don't know Nicole, take my word for it, Dan's one lucky guy! (Ok, ok, Dan's a pretty good catch himself I guess ;) ).

Adam and Havelah had their baby girl, Naomi, on December 22 and here she is! Isn't she a doll! I'm totally in love with her!...

And just for fun I wanted to throw a picture of my dad's birthday cake in from December. I'll let you count the candles if you're curious ;)...


Darla said...

Awesome! I love all the updates on everyone. Thanks for sharing! Hope Hannah's okay, that's too bad she had to go through that. I love you guys!

Carrie said...

(to quote DeeAnn:))

I cannot even tell you how often I have been thinking of you in the last MANY months! First, I emailed your old new address, then I forwarded that and another email to your newer old address...then I called but got a busy signal, then I have thought about calling and then it just before Thanksgiving and Christmas and things were so busy, I figured I'd get some sorta update in a christmas card! I anxiously looked daily and kept being sad! NO ALLENS! Seriously, just because we haven't seen you or been to UTah in forever doesn't mean that we don't LOVE YOU! And MISS YOU! So since Christmas I've thought about you guys and Derek and how much we love you and often when I'm in the car, I wish I had your phone number in my cell so I could just call you real quick - it seems to be the easist place to carry on a conversation...ANYHOW...My mom just called me yesterday and told me your new email and said Reni had a blog and so my search was on and I found you all! I'm so excited!!!!! Can you tell? I hope so!

And it's not just me....Ryan keeps asking if we can go see his friend Hannah in Utah, the big one (since Sam (my old roommate is still in utah and has a daughter hana) sorry Hana- you are the "big one":) I've been thinking how old Hana must be! And have been dying to know how Destiny is doing away from home - though it's been a long time!!! I'm so outta the loop!!! There's been two more grandkids born too! How exciting!!! DeeAnn, you've gotta get into this, I'd be so thrilled to get to check in with your guys more!!!

Welcome home Derek! I hope you've gotten to eat some food since you've been home! You look so skinny! It would have been so neat to hear you give your mission report! I would have loved it!

You guys are the LDS cousins we never had and I just LOVE YOU ALL!

Carrie said...

OH YEA! How could I forget to comment on Dan's engagement! Congrats! At first on Reni's blog I kept seeing this blonde girl that I didn't know and I was getting nervous he got married and we never even knew!!! So glad to hear she's a catch, because I think Dan is too:)

Sydney said...

DEEANN!!! HI! So It feels like it's been FOREVER since I've seen you guys. Oh wait, it has! :( I second everything Carrie said! I've thought about you and your sweet family many many times and have even considered a spontaneous trip to Utah mostly with the intention of seeing you. How exciting with all of your new additions! Grandbabies and a wedding. How wonderful!

I miss you guys and think of our conference weekends all the time. Also when you drove up to Logan when I was a lonely freshman up at USU. That meant so much to me! Thanks for being my family away from home and Carrie couldn't have put it better when she said you are the LDS cousins we never had. When my roommates asked how I knew your family it never seemed good enough to explain that our dads were mission companions. You are family.

I love you all and hope I make it out to UT soon!!! Or you guys come here! ;)


Sydney said...

Ok, and everyone needs to stop growing. You are all beautiful!

Scott said...

Hi my friend,

What could I add to the posts of my amazing daughters. They make me cry... We do love you all so much. It is wonderful to hear about all that is happening with your family. Such joy in this world. It makes your heart grow 10 sizes larger... well let's see 9 + 6 + 2 + 3... children are such a joy. Heaavenly Father knew what he was doing when he created families. I only wish all families could know the joy we have in ours. We think of you all so often. WE HAVE TO GET TOGETHER THIS SUMMER. We want you to come out. I want to go to Education Week this year... so we shall see, but Scott won't, so we hope you can come out this way too... or something... I am loving this blog... Thanks Renny for doing this. I've already been on your blog a few times and I love, love, LOVE your stories. Don't give up on your mom! She'll get it... This is so fun... spread the joy... that is what these blogs do. love you all... Becky